Web Cabinet

With the Energy Card, SOCAR customers can get instant discounts, earn points, pre-purchase fuel and take part in marketing campaigns planned by SOCAR.

* Every Friday and Saturday, Energy Card users have the opportunity to take advantage of a special promotion - a discount of 15 tetri on petrol and diesel.

 How does it work?

• The Energy Card is presented with 3 main functions - discount, accumulation and payment.

• As part of the discount function, consumers for petrol and diesel receive a 10 tetri discount, CNG consumers - a discount of 7-10 tetri.

Cubic Meter per Month        Discount (Tetri) 
0-200               7
 201-300               9


 With the accumulation function, consumers accumulate 3 points for every 1 liter of petrol and diesel, 1 point = 1 tetri.

• With the payment function, the customer can pre-purchase petrol and diesel through the website or application and pour the fuel directly at the gas station directly with the „Energy Card“.

• When buying online, instead of 3 points per 1 liter, double 6 points are accumulated.

• Accumulated points can be used to buy fuel and  pay in "Way Mart" Stores.

• Accumulated points are valid until the end of next year.

Energy Card is free and can be taken at any SOCAR station and service center.


• The application (SOCAR Geo) can be downloaded from Google Play and the App Store.

For more information, please contact the hotline: * 0001 or write to us at Info@Socar.ge